I. Governance – This virtual wrestling league is to be governed the following management positions. Each role listed here is imbued with the powers and responsibilities as outlined in this section.
1. Management Roles/responsibilities
i. President – The president of this league is charged with maintaining order and operations during any official wrestling events. Including, but not limited to, television match cards, pay-per-view match cards, meetings, and drafts. This also requires that the president (or vice-president) will be present at any official event.
ii. Vice-President – The vice-president acts as the president during the extenuating circumstance that the president cannot attend events. The vice-president is also charged with recording matches in an official log book and running the yearly awards (see section #) and Hall of Fame.
iii. Chief Financial Officer – hiring/firing
iv. Commissioner – The commissioner is responsible for booking all matches on television and pay-per-view match cards. This includes any championship bouts.
2. Removal Process – Any acting officer may be called for removal by another officer. The remaining officers not charged with removal or calling for removal must provide a unanimous vote to ratify the removal.
3. Creation/Removal of Positions – In the event that new responsibilities are sufficient to require a new position, the committee may vote to introduce a new officer position. The position should be recorded in the amendments document with all responsibilities therein. All new positions are subject to the removal process as outlined above.
4. Incumbents – The list of current officers holding the positions listed above will be maintained on the league’s official website.
II. Structure
A. The league is currently divided into 3 brands each with 3 title divisions: Major, Minor, Other
i. World Title (Major)
ii. Intercontinental Title (Minor)
iii. World Tag Team Titles (Other)
i. World Title (Major)
ii. US Title (Minor)
iii. World Women’s Title (Other)
i. World Title (Major)
ii. X-Division Title (Minor)
iii. World Tag Team Titles (Other)
4. To amend these divisions (i.e., add or remove titles) is a presidential action. The amendments are made directly to this document and must be ratified by a simple majority vote.
B. Television (TV) and Pay-Per-View (PPV) Cards
1. TV cards – There will exist three consecutive match cards that will serve for developing feuds, providing Minor and Other division championship bouts, and allowing promoters a chance to develop their stables in the rankings. The cards are: Raw, Smackdown, and Superstars. The order and number may be adjusted by the commissioner as necessary for scheduling conflicts.
2. PPV cards – There will exist one PPV match card per month where World Title championship matches will occur. Any other titles not defended from the previous PPV will typically be defended at the PPV. Each PPV has a theme. The PPV’s and their themes are:
i. July – Money in the Bank: Multiple opponent ladder matches. One match per brand. The winner of the matches receives a year-long contract that allows a World title bout for that brand during any match card.
ii. August – King of the Ring: One or more tournaments. The winner(s) receive a World title bout in their brand at SummerSlam
iii. September – SummerSlam: The three World titles are defended in 2 matches.
iv. October – Halloween Havoc: Wrestlers dress as their favorite characters from various themes decided by the commissioner.
v. November – Survivor Series:
vi. December – Superbrawl:
vii. January – Armageddon: The three World titles are defended in Elimination Chambers
viii. February – World War III:
ix. March – Starcade:
x. April – Taboo Tuesday:
xi. May – Royal Rumble:
xii. June – WrestleMania:
II. Roster Management
A. Stable Organization
1. Each promoter is allotted 42 slots for members in their stable
2. The roster slots must be split such that no more than 6 wrestlers are active in any of the singles divisions
3. Wrestlers in that comprise teams in the tag team division must still have an official singles roster slot.
4. Each promoter is allotted 1 referee and 1 manager slot in their stable
5. Promoters may retire any wrestler that attains a legendary status under their supervision.
a. Legendary status is determined by attaining at least a 39% overall win record in at least 25 matches.
b. Alternative methods of attaining legendary status are:
i. Attain 1 of the 3 World titles
ii. Be inducted into the Hall of Fame
6. A new draft may be called at any point by the Chief Financial Officer.
a. The draft order is dictated by the promoter with the fewest wrestlers
7. Injuries occur when a wrestler receives gray damage to at least one body part.
a. For each body part injured, the wrestler has a 50% chance of lasting affliction.
b. For a roll of 50-59%, the duration is 1d6 weeks; 60-69%, the duration is 2d6 weeks; 70-79%, the duration is 2d8 weeks; 80-89%, the duration is 3d6 weeks; 90-100%, the duration is 4d6 weeks.
c. Promoters may choose to wrestle while injured by reducing the durability attribute of the afflicted body part by 50%.
d. If injured a second time, during the affliction period the time is increased by a second roll.
e. If injured a third time, the wrestler is no longer allowed to wrestle until the end of the affliction period.
B. Wrestler Attributes
1. No wrestler may surpass an overall attribute of 95.
2. Each wrestler must cap the Reversal attribute at 90 (a total of 4 starting counters). Each promoter may select 2 wrestlers to exempt this rule.
C. Factions ***TBD***
III. Rankings
1. Rankings will be maintained by the Vice-President.
2. Rankings will be posted on the official league website weekly.
3. Any changes to the Rankings section can be initiated by the President or Vice-President and vetoed by the President.
4. Wrestlers are awarded points according to the following stipulations:
a. Wrestlers receive 1 point for a victory for every opponent in the match.
b. Wrestlers receive 2 points for defeating a champion in a non-title bout.
c. Wrestlers that are defeated directly (i.e., pinned, submitted, breaks table) receive a loss of 1 point.
d. In a title bout, a directly defeated wrestler loses either 2 points or will be placed 2 points lower than the wrestler in the division with the highest points. All other competitors not directly defeated in a title bout lose 1 point.
e. Transfers are allowed at any time. The point allocations is as follows:
i. Major to Minor – loss of 25% of points
ii. Minor to Major – loss of 50% of points
iii. Major to Major or Minor to Minor – points will be 2 points less than the normalized amount in the old division:
New Points = (Original Points x New Division Max/Old Division Max) – 2
f. After each season finishes at WrestleMania, points reset to a sequence of values where the lowest ranking wrestlers have 0 points, and each subsequent point total reduces to the next integer value.
IV. Awards
Hall of Fame
Wrestlers of the Year
Promoter of the Year
Rookie of the Year
Match of the Year
Explain voting for each category
Brian Danielson
Dusty Rhodes
Jeff Hardy
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